Antropologia del virtuale in Pierre Lévy


di Giulio Lizzi, Università della Svizzera Italiana – Il Pensare, Anno I, n. 1, 2012

Despazialisation and detemporalisation – the main aspects of the virtualisation process – tend to re-create new time and space coordinates in the internet diorama. On one hand, a technical action – based on the dialectics between possible and real – take place when man use an instrument for good or evil purposes; on the other hand, a virtual action – based on the dialectics between virtual and actual – take place when man is immersed a virtual environment (such as the internet) created by the instrument itself. The anthropology of the virtual aims to understand what does it mean to learn and cooperate in the new time and space coordinates of the internet. Cyberspace is an opportunity or a risk for human capability to experience the reality? P. Lévy answers that it is an opportunity, but he seems not to consider two issues at least. On one hand, human experience in the cyberspace can sensibly change, depending on the way the different virtual environments have been structured and organized; on the other hand, as Lévy considers the internet as an actualisation o the “anthropological space of knowledge”, the gnoseological subject gains a main role in the stage, while other important aspects of the human person – such as feelings – seem to remain silent.

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