Coscienza della storia o storia della coscienza? La “scienza dell’esperienza della coscienza” secondo Heidegger


di Marco Viscomi, Università di Perugia – Il Pensare, Anno 5, n. 5, 2016

Consciousness of History or History of Consciousness? The “Science of the Experience of Consciousness” in Heidegger The paper offers a critical reading of Heidegger’s essay Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung. In this text, Heidegger suggests an interesting interpretation of Hegelian themes of consciousness and knowledge. From this study emerges the problem of the relationship that, in the interpretation of Heidegger, links together the terms of consciousness and history. Inside the dialectic between these two elements arises the non-subjectivist instance of consciousness, which is experienced as an image of the Spirit. Intending the way in which also the history is a figure of the Absolute, becomes understandable, beyond Heidegger’s reading, the fundamental instance of the logic thematised by Hegel.

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