Karl Jaspers lettore di Hegel. L’Existenzphilosophie e la riproposizione dell’istanza dialettica.


di Pavao Žitko, Università di Perugia – Il Pensare, Anno 5, n. 5, 2016

Karl Jaspers Reader of Hegel. The Existenzphilosophie and the Return of the Dialectic instance. The work «Von der Wahrheit» represents the highest degree of theorization of the Foundation problem in Karl Jaspers’s philosophical thought. This research work has thus been developed as an analysis of the most significant quotations of Hegelian dialectics in this Jaspers’s work in order to explain the influence of this thinker on the speculative development of the philosophy of existence. Jaspers constantly maintains a very polemic position on Hegelian system, even though he assimilates the idealistic dialectic in his own theoretical proposal as a philosophical consideration of the metaphysical spirit movement in its ontological dimension.

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