La trascendenza, la fede filosofica e la cifra “Dio”. Alcuni aspetti della metafisica di Karl Jaspers


di Danijel Tolvajčić, Università di Zagabria, Anno III, n. 3, 2014

In this paper, its author, Danijel Tolvajčić, professor of Philosophical Anthropology, Ethics and Philosophy of Religion at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb (Croatia), examines the particular characteristics of Karl Jaspers’ metaphysics. For the philosophy of existence, the metaphysics is intended as a research method of transcendence, through the existence considered as a gift. The main topic of Jaspers’ metaphysics and of this paper is the theoretical meaning of the Chiffer “God” and this leads to the analysis that Tolvajčić makes of the relationship between philosophical faith and religion. The particular attention in this paper Tolvajčić dedicates to the mode in which should be intended the metaphysics in Jaspers, determined by the speculative context of his philosophical thought.

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